Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Calling all angels

I feel so completely overwhelmed/buried/frustrated/sick and tired wedi i just leave all my duties and responsibilities WAHEJ
I wanna go somewhere where i know noone and noone knows me wag3ad sena until i miss people again
wai3 madri shfeeni i cant shake off this feeling
i hope it goes away before i piss away the last remnants of this academic year
ya rab anja7 :(

When you're in solitary confinement and you're six feet under without light, sound, or running water, there is no place to go but inside. And when you go inside, you discover that everything that exists in the Universe is also within you.

- Rubin Carter, The Hurricane

Friday, February 20, 2009


On my way to wherever...
THIS makes my day

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I have a dream...

I have a dream that I might...

1. leave the house in the morning and find my car to be akher sayara bil garage o mako wala sayara msakra 3alaiha and i wont have to be raju and take out the 2 cars ili msakreen 3alaiha and be late once again to il jam3a wat'haza' for the zillionth time...

2. get a grade higher than a 3al 7ifa 61% C and actually show everyone that i'm smart o mo bas im talking shit and saying things like "ee aslan hal imti7an kila kan 7ifith ili yaybeen zain mo athka mini ana wayed athka bas ohma 6e7eesa yakloon il kotob :/"

3. graduate (inshalaa)

4. find true love sometime before my ovaries dry up into shrivelled up empty vessels of my unborn offspring

preferably with mr. x please :D

5. before the end of the weekend fix up the craphole that is maktebi 3ashan adres sometime soon 3ashan ma a3eed il sena
(note to self: buy ikea boxes for the pile of papers that seem to be expanding by the second)

6. in a month get to wear leggings (taw il nas adri) and not chicken out before leaving the house because of my chunky thunder thighs

7. workout more

8. procrastinate less

9. stop wasting time

10. control my facial expression when i see something i don't like

11. be nicer

o bas i cant think of anything else and although i woke up 5 hours ago baro7 anam again

say what u want it beats studying :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

David's my homeboy

This song is in my head and it wont budge until i purge it out of my system...why??

Cuz i know this crush aint goin awaaaaaaaayeaaaayeeeaaaayeayeyaaaaaaaaaaay

i know nothing's gayer than this song except the fact that i can relate to it on some level :(

wai3 i hate it

and this person i have a crush on wont know im alive if he ran me over with his car and found my roadkill remains on his tires later on that day

he's so oblivious i just wanna strangle his neck

no i dont

yes i do

eff :/
on the other hand dawam has begun and i find myself academically challenged in every way due to my incessant procrastination it's not even funny aslan

sij 7adi ma ayooz every exam i go this time badres awal bawal and i end up wasting all the time doing absolutely nothing .. i'm the only person that u can leave on a desk with some notes and come back finding me in the same position having not read a single word o ma feeni 7ata futhool ini agra not for 1 second
ubo 6bai3 mayooz 3an 6ab3a :/

I'm questioning my future in the professional field
Cue Lexicon - Rock to the rhythm

Number one I gotta, two I gotta, three make your head spin like helicopters.
But cant stick around long for your thoughts huh?
Dont have the patience
like a bad doctor

more guilt:

i wanna lose weight bas madri shlon i'm gonna achieve this little task wana every other week i'm making chocolate fudge cake with dark chocolate frosting :(

P.S.: the pic is me (ba3d al ta3deel :P) still completely unseen by mr x though

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Loveless till the day I die Day

all the 'attached' ppl i know slept early last night to get ready for the day that is today

i hate it

iv never had a good valentines day

well except the ones where ur friends send u 3 roses in high school like the little wannabe lesbos they are

this day is officially boycotted until further notice.

oh yeah
have a good one :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Strolling down the avenue...

Random brain porridge:

1. BOOOH!! goes the geezi boy in my face ib za7mat avenues

ana bala shasaweela hatha shasaweela .. ya3ni mo min 6ooli il zayed but this guy reaches upto ba6ni and hes monkeying around madri afqesa with my shoe wela a7thef jan6eti 3alaih ..mako ahal eraboona (apparently too late since im sure he's already passed puberty and is a lost cause to all purposes except those which involve research) wela ya7besoona ib gefas ..wala these types make me ashamed to be a kuwaiti ya3ni we walk around taking pride of the fact that we've been brought up to at least behave civil ... wai3 i rest my case


don't get me wrong shopping for myself ma yin3af (esp. when using a card that's not urs :P) bas when ur out to shop for someone else it sucks

and blows

and when ur shopping companion is the most difficult human on earth


3. next time i shop for me :P bas khal ekoon il soog a7la shway

p.s.: to the girls, yes il soog bayekh

p.p.s: to the guys hdoomkom artab o a7la o astar min ehdoomna :D

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ah the injustice

I can't sleep :/

it's a goddamn curse ive been living with since bedait jam3a 4 years ago and since ana adawem in the Vortex of Doom that i call my home about 13 hrs a day, i do actually blame it for my sleepless nights

la o dawami byabdi next wk and i won't sleep then either :'( why god whyyy .. another insanely unfair fact which makes things even worse.. laish dawamna 15/2 ( 1 day after an immensely eventful valentine's day i should say :P) o dawam everyone else in march!? no FAIR


bas7ab awragi o ashte'3el ragaasa

know any worthwhile places i can work in?

x HR x


Salam 3alaikom blogosphere :P
iv been debating this thing for about a year o sar shay il youm khalani agool bas enough is enough bat7al6am!!
and since mo nou3i adeg 3ala wa7da min refeejati o ashayelha hami i guess this is my only outlet...
a few years ago i was an annoying little whiner and an adult i know (mo omi :P) galatli late7al6emain no one is gonna listen to a complainer so from then on shsert asawiii?? i kept bottling it all up :'( basically allah y3een il poor unfortunate soul ili biydesh yegra what i have to say
